
Florida State Universities and Colleges

June 2021
The State University System of Florida and the Florida College System

Florida law requiring students and employees at Florida’s public colleges and universities to complete voluntary surveys about their political leanings and the political climate on campuses goes into effect.

Dixon v. University of Toledo

From April 2008, to December 2012
University of Toledo

Crystal Dixon sent a letter to the editor of a local newspaper, expressing the opinion that homosexuality is a violation of God’s divine order. As a result, she was ultimately terminated from her job at the University of Toledo. She filed a suit against the University of Toledo alleging that the University violated her First and Fourteenth Amendment rights.

Keeton v. Anderson-Wiley

From July 2010, to June 2012
Augusta University

Student in counseling program was required to participate in mandatory remedial courses after she stated that she would express anti-homosexual views to students who came to her for counseling.