
Gilley v. Stabin

June 2022
Portland State University

Portland State University professor sues the University of Oregon for blocking him from seeing or commenting on tweets from University of Oregon Division of Equity and Inclusion X (previously Twitter) account.

DeJong v. Pembrook

From February 2022, to July 2023
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Conservative graduate student successfully brings change to free speech policies at university.

Hening v. Adair

From September 2020, to December 2022
Virginia Tech

A former Virginia Tech women’s soccer player, Kiersten Henin, made the decision to kneel during the ‘pregame unity ceremony’ in attempt to show her support for the Black Lives Matter movement. The games following this her coach, Charles Adair, benched her, even though in prior games she was a starter for the team. Due to […]

Krasno v. Mnookin

From February 2021, to November 2022
University of Wisconsin

Madeline Krasno, a former employee of the University of Wisconsin, sued the University after comments she posted on the University’s social media pages were deleted. The comments regarded the treatment of animals during her time working in labs at the institution. She claimed the University was violating her First Amendment rights by deleting her comments. […]