
Beverly v. Watson

From July 2014, to March 2019
Chicago State University

Two professors who ran a blog that was critical of Chicago State University sued the school under §1983 for instituting overbroad and vague computer usage and harassment policies, as well as taking retaliatory action against them for running the blog.

Jergins v. Williams

From March 2019, to October 2015
Dixie State University

Defendant officers at Dixie State University unlawfully restricted plaintiff students’ right to free speech by refusing to allow plaintiffs to post flyers with unflattering depictions of the president.

Buchanan v. LSU

From January 2016, to January 2018
Louisiana State Univerity

On January 21, 2016, tenured education professor Teresa Buchanan filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the president of Louisiana State University and other top administrators for violating her free speech and due process rights by firing her in 2015.  Buchanan was fired for her alleged occasional use of profanity and sexual language in preparing […]

Gerlich v. Leath

From January 2016, to August 2017
Iowa State University

NORML ISU, a pro-marijuana group at Iowa State University, was discriminated against by the administration. They subjected NORML ISU to a review process that no other group had to undergo in order to get their designs approved. The 8th Circuit affirmed the district court on this point.

Kalamazoo Peace Center v. Dunn

From October 2014, to May 2015
Western Michigan University

A student organization attempted to have a musician and activist give an address on campus, and the University required that they pay for police security in order to host the event.

Smith v. McDavis

From July 2014, to January 2015
Ohio University

Plaintiff and other members of a student organization that represents students in school disciplinary hearings were ordered by campus administrators not to wear a shirt that stated “We get you off for free.”

Burch v. University System of Hawaii

From April 2014, to December 2014
University of Hawaii Hilo

Students at University of Hawaii claimed denial of their right to hand out literature, the unconstitutionality of the university’s “free speech zone,” and the failure of university officials to adequately train administrators on the rights of college students. After a lawsuit was brought, the University of Hawaii system settled the case, paid the plaintiffs $50,000, and agreed to revise its policies to allow free speech in open areas across all campuses.

David Guth v. University of Kansas

From September 2013, to September 2013
University of Kansas

Tenured journalism professor was suspended and placed on indefinite leave after tweeting after a mass shooting that the NRA was responsible and that next time “let it be [the NRA’s] sons and daughters.” He has since returned to teaching.